
Of course, we care! We churn whole almonds into butter and don’t soak or sieve out almonds. By using an almond butter and making our product long life, we reduce our amount of waste. Almo is a long-life milk. Customers can use Almo at a time that suits them, helping to reduce wastage.

We still encourage you to make your own. However, homemade almond milk can be more wasteful. Often, people often just bin all of that leftover almond pulp.

What can you do with leftover pulp?

I used to make Almond Flour, visit THE HEALTHY CHEF for more ideas!

Greenhouse Gases

Research has been conducted by various organizations regarding dairy farming and its carbon footprint. Dairy farms account for 3% of total national greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing our demand for milk production could potentially decrease dairy emissions.

Our farmers don’t wake up at 5 am to milk the almonds. Our South Australia farmers from AlmondCo provide the almonds we use to create Almo.

Yes, almonds have a carbon footprint. Almond trees store and accumulate significant amounts of carbon dioxide. If we use coproducts like hulls properly, we can reduce an almond’s tree environmental footprint.

The dairy industry has a large carbon footprint. Dairy production is an important source of greenhouse gas emissions. Nut production has a smaller carbon footprint than dairy.


You’ve probably heard that almond trees are very thirsty. Almonds need water to grow. Cow’s milk requires a lot more water for production. Dairy farming requires water for hydrating cows and for cleaning milking parlours and equipment.

Unlike cows, almonds do not fart or burp. Also, almonds need less water.

Bottom line is, environmental resources like soil and water is required for the agricultural production of almonds. Is almond production better for the environment than dairy? You bet it is!

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